Thursday, November 13, 2008

Visit to Kony's hometown and sacred rock

Joseph Kony has been responsible for millions being displaced, hundreds of thousands of deaths, and over 65,000 abductions of children transforming them into child soldiers.  For 20 years he kept the Ugandan army at bay and even now they still can not find him to force a peace agreement.
Where did this man come from?
The president of Child Voice International (Conrad Mandsager) and I journeyed to his home village today, Nov 13.  We passed the school which he attended and saw his home plot near some tall trees.  We traveled with a schoolmate of his, who is now the community leader, LC III.  
Kony lived here until 1986 and then began his rebel activities at age 35.  He was a normal cattle herder, but dabbled in witchcraft strongly which lead him to the rock mound we were hunting for.
This mound (200 high, 1000 ft by 500 ft) was one of his places of sacrifice and spiritual power.  The president of Uganda flew local pastors and the military into this place for pastors to pray and break the stronghold here.  After this event in 2006, Kony began to lose his hold and had to move to the Congo and DAR, where he is now.

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